The RF Advantage calculator has now been added, as an extra module, to our SoftFin, WinTax2019 and WinTax2020 programs.

The new laws regarding the calculation of the allowable deduction for Retirement Fund contributions are much more complicated than they first appeared when they were announced in March 2017. Determining what amounts can be included in “remuneration” and what amounts make up “taxable income” is vitally important if you want to work out the 27.5% limit correctly.

This new “RF Advantage” program explains how to arrive at the correct amounts and will explain exactly what portion of any RF contributions will be paid by SARS. In many cases SARS will pay over 40% of contributions for the taxpayer. The program is totally convincing to any taxpayer. There is no other sales-aid out there that works so well in convincing a client of the advantages of investing in retirement funds. The calculator’s on-screen HELP and the set of short video tax lectures, accessible on-screen, will explain everything you ever wanted to know about the new Retirement Fund contribution laws and the huge tax and financial benefits associated with R/F contributions.