South Africa’s best and most user-friendly tax software for personal tax payers, Trusts, etc. Free demo available.
Financial planning calculators including FNA’s PLUS income tax calculators such as for CGT, Lump Sums, PAYE, RF and medical limits etc.
Salary designing software. Works out salaries both forward and backwards so you can take home a little more.
A very special and unique software program for financial consultants and brokers. Includes simple FNA's, financial planning calculators, etc.
Tax assessment calculations for Deceased Estates for the period post-death to Estate finalisation.

This is the home of WINTAX software, designed, produced and marketed by Softbyte Computers. Softbyte Computers software developers, established in 1983, have been providing tax and financial planning software and lectures by appointment to some of SA’s largest financial institutions, life assurance companies and banks etc since the 1980’s. Softbyte Computers have been premier producers of tax assessment, tax advisory, salary designing and personal financial planning software to accountants, tax and financial consultants for over 40 years. Take a minute or two to browse through our web site and discover more about our different software products. Be sure to read the testimonials from some of our users.
Web site last updated 15th January 2025. Softbyte Computers company registration number 1988/010723/23

SAIT is the largest of the professional tax bodies in South Africa, and seeks to enhance the tax profession by developing standards in education, compliance, monitoring and performance.