All prices include VAT, postage and download from our website to install.
Note that WinTax programs require regular (free) updates as and when we add extra features or when SARS make changes during the tax year. You may download these updates from our website free of charge during the year (we will notify you by email when they are available).
On-line video tax lectures (with 4 verifiable output CPD hours) are FREE with every copy of WinTax2019 to WinTax2025.
Salary designing softwareBackTax2026
Salary designing softwareSoftFin
Financial Planning softwareFinTaxPlus
Financial Planning software and Income tax calculators.WinTax2025
Tax year ending Feb 2025WinTax2026
Tax year ending Feb 2026WinTax2025 Network
priced per workstationWinTax2026 Network
priced per workstationWinTax2019 thro' to WinTax2025 combo
WinTax2019 to WinTax2026
We accept VISA or MasterCard CREDIT cards (regretfully no American Express or Diners Club cards). Note that we do not accept debit cards such as Maestro cards etc.
You can also place your software purchase on a handy “budget” period transaction which means you can buy your WinTax software and pay it off over a term of your choice with low monthly payments.
Print the order-form, fill out the order form and fax or email the completed form to Softbyte Computers together with proof of payment. We cannot process an order without a completed order form and proof of payment.